Saturday, April 24, 2010


hello there, geuss what? my 17th birthday party was on Thursday! I't was a little depressing to turn 17 because I liked being 16. :-p When I got home from school, I drove the 1969 camaro. It was different... but it was sweet! After that, me and my parents, and my grandpa and grandma went out for supper at the Saksatoon Inn. I got ribs, and they were really good!!  After supper we went back to my house, and had cake and stuff. I opened my presents, and got alot of money. My favorite present was a justin beiber cd called my world. Unfortunately, I diden't get the golden ticket! lol

On friday, I threw a birthday bowling party with my friends! It was fun, but was too short. We went glow bowling from 9 to 11. Afterwards everyone wanted to go to Modern Billiards, so everyone left to meet us there. As me and my friend ciara were driving down on a road close by the bowling place, her tire wheel started jerking, and we got out of the car to check it. Both of tires were flat. So we called her dad, and we sat in the car for a half an hour until he came, and when he came he told us the axel was broken. It was from when she ran into the curb 2 days ago. so we sat in the car and called road side assistant and waited for an hour or so. It wasen't very fun sitting in the car on my birthday party when everyone was at Modern Billiards without the birthday girl. But my friend thanked me for being there for her and not leaving her by herself. I woulden't ever leave my friend anyways no matter how much it's going to suck sitting in a car on the side of the road on my birthday party! When her dad was with us, there was a creepy drunk/high guy that kept knocking on the window and asking us wierd questions. It was really scary, but anyways, I gotta go, so  thats it for now! I'll write again soon, Talk to you later!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Not a very good day...

I'm not having a very good day!
I woke up at 12:00, and I layed in my bed until 2:00. because my stomach is hurting alot!! :-( I think the time has come to get my apendics removed... :-s I'm geussing that is what it is...
1 week ago, I dropped my computer off to get it fixed because it was blue, making weird sounds, and woulden't start up. They said the hard drive was shot, and it would cost $71. Turns out it cost $188. Thats about more then my computer even was! wow! I was pretty mad because the same person told me 2 different prices. All of my pictures and everything is wiped off my cpmputer. :-( It works fine now, but somtimes it will randomly shut down and turn off.
I went to get an apple pie from Mccdonalds this morning, on my way back from washing the van. I'v never got an apple pie from there before, so I thought I would try one. When I got it, I diden't open it and eat it until I got home, Then when I got home I opened it, and there was only half an apple pie in there, and a chunk was missing from somone who bit off the half. I was so grossed out! I put it in the fridge so that I could take it back later. When I was going to take it back I was looking in the fridge and I could not find it,  and I said, "where is my apple pie"? and my sister said, " I ate it"! hahahah! Well anyways, I dont feel good at all and I gotta babysit! I hope you enjoy your day though! Goodbye!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tennis and the Gym

Me and my friends have decided to go work out and get some exercise, because of all the junk we eat when we hang out. We started to realize all that food will catch up with us later on. So we went to play tennis. It wasen't raining out, it was just chilly outside. We dressed warm and played tennis outside by Saint Joes. It started to get windy, and then it started pouring, so we ran inside are cars, and drove to the lakewood tennis center, and paid $12 for an hour to play tennis there. yeah, kinda a rip off hey? On monday, my friend wanted to play tennis so bad, and by the time we were ready it was super dark out. She still wanted to play sooooo bad so we went to the tennis courts and it was windy and cold and played in pitch black. I said " you wont be able to even see the tennis ball" and she said yeah I can... then no I definately cant. and so we left. It was pitch black outside anyways. worst time possible to play tennis. Anyways, a couple days ago me and my friends were looking for a gym to go to. My sisters reccomended mawson on central avenue. We went there, and it was awesome! I got a 2 week free trial in the gym, then I will have to buy a membership if i want. I probably will because it is a really good gym. There is boxing mitts and stuff there, and thats fun. Also there is free work out lessons, you can do. Even though were not always going out partying and such... it is still fun to go get some exercise, because it's not all bad when your with your friends. You can talk and work out at the same time! Well thanks for reading- goodbye for now!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fill in the Blanks

For Today:

Outside My Window- It is raining alot!

I am thinking- that my dad is really annoying me because he thinks i'm on msn or somthing but i keep telling him I'M DOING MY BLOG! and im also thinkin i should stop eating all that fast food.

I am thankful for- my education, my drivers licence and car, my house, my friends and family and my computer ect.

From the kitchen- spagetti

I am wearing- my pajamas

I am reading- nothing

I am hoping- I get to drive the 1969 camaro soon.

I am hearing- my cat meow at me

I am creating- haha funnyyy

Around the house- I am doing nothing exept my blogs

Some of my favorite things- friends+computer and such

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week- babysitting, gym, tennis, homework, me time ( t.v and such)

Well today is a rainy day and there's not much to do. So I would suggest, take out a book, or watch some t.v, or do fun little surveys like this!

Work Ed job- future career?

I like my Career education job. I work at Snip "N" tails over by forest grove. I go there everyday from Tuesday to Friday. It is awesome because I have 2 spares every Monday because they aren't open on that day. It's a really nice break. :-) I need 60 hours altogether, since they aren't open mondays I work an extra half an hour longer. I love this job because I love dogs and cats, and it's fun to work with them. It's so cool to see all the different kinds of animals that come in for a groom everyday. Some dogs you totally fall in love with and you dont want them to leave and you want to keep it. They have a bird cage too, wich is really cool. they have 4 birds, and they have 3 little tiny eggs sitting in there. It is so cool. One of the eggs hatched a couple days ago and the bird is so tiny! and it's pink and has no hair on it. These are my duties in my work place!

- When there is not much to do, I can
1. Sweep- there is always dog hair on the floor
2. Clean out the bird cage- change the paper, wash off gross stuff from the cage, change water and food.
3. Play with the puppies if they are wining and barking. play catch with them
4. Clean windows, dog cages, any other cleaning that they want done.
5. fold towels- fold towels that are used to dry the dogs after there wash, and i put them back on the shelf

6. clean doggie doo dooo, ect. eww

My main jobs are:

1. blow drying/ towel dry the dogs with a regular hair dryer

2. brushing them

3. washing them in the tub- with special soap

I like to do everything but some of the things that bug me is when I blow dry the dogs face, they hate it and its a hard place to blow dry them, because they try to bite and knip at you or growl. Another thing i don't like doing is lifting the big dogs on the table to get brushed out, they are really heavy. When your washing the dogs, you have to be prepared to get wet when they shake themselvs out! and water flys in your face and everywhere. I usally start laughing when they do that, but somtimes its annoying when they do it like 10 times! Also, when I comb the dogs, if they have alot of hair it goes up into the air and gets all in your face and it can be itchy and quite irritating. Today i had to clean up a huge pile of dog poop and it was so gross. so that sucks too..

Well anyways, just thought I would tell you a little bit about my work ed job.

Somthing I cant do there is actually shave the pets, but I will learn how to do that one day!

After graduation I plan on going to a grooming school/class and learn how to shave dogs! Then soon after that, I want to open up my own small busness, and be a pet groomer for a while! And after I get sick of that, hahah I sapose... maybe a daycare worker! Because I love kids. :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Me and my best friend have been planning an all exlusive trip to Cabo San Lucas for about a year now. We want to go right after graduation, kinda as a graduation celebration for a week. We are all sooo pumped!!! It is going to be really cheap to go there. I cant wait to hit the beach and the waves!! I would like to go see the dolphins because i'v never swam with dolophins before and I haven't been anywhere tropical. And i want to get a massage from the spa, I could really use one right now though! I want to try food that I have never tried before, and tasty fruity drinks like a virgin margarita!!! I am going to tan a whole lot! but i am actually albino. No matter how long I go for a tan my skin never can get tanned! I don't get burnt either, thats at least a good thing! I would'ent want to go to mexico and get burnt and be in pain the whole time! Another good thing is that we can fly directly there, and not have to get on anymore planes. :-) Well i like flying in planes but direct is good too..! I also would like to shop shop shop!!! I love to shop. We are going to look for hotels soon too. Hopefully for christmas I will get some money for cabo. I understand mexico can be a bad place too and you have to watch out for those creepers! Some of the security gaurds can be bad guys, and the cops can be bad too.


Let me tell you a little bit about Justin beiber. Justin is a cute young boy who became famous from posting videos on youtube for his family and friends. I remember lisening to him on youtube, watching all his singing videos when he was sitting in his chair in his room at home before he became a star! haha. Now I see him on t.v and on the internet. He was a completely normal boy, who lived a normal life, and had a love for music. Somone named Scooter Braun subscribed him on youtube, and then told him to come and meet usher because usher wanted to sign him. Scooter flew him out too atlanta to meet Usher. Justin Timberlake also wanted to sign him but he chose Usher. Scooter then became his manager. it diden't take long at all for the 13 year old at the time to be famous. He is an amazing singer, and deserves to be famous. I'm super duper ubsessed with him now!!! :-) I listen to his music every single day. I'm exited to be writing a blog about him, because I finally found somone that im really interested in to write about! Next time I am going shopping I am so totally buying his cd called my world. My favorite song on the cd is called "baby". I like other ones too such as one time, one less lonely girl, and Ennie Meenie. If you find a golden ticket in his my world cd then you get to meet justin beiber and he will come to your house and meet you and sing to you personally. It would probably be like one in a million chance though, but if i won how coool would that be???? Well, I think you have heard enough about justin so im gonna go, and listen to more justin beiber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace!