Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coming to an end

So, the end of the year is coming by very close, and students are starting to prepare for finals already. Wrapping up the school year, usally everyone wants to do it just right, and in a positive way. It can be very stressful, overwhelming, exiting, sad, nerv-racking, and people tend to get very lazy, with getting stuff done, because they just don't want to be in school for another minute, and all that's on there mind is SUMMER! :-D I'll have to mention teachers, too! I woulden't want to be them right now, because it can be super duper crazy nearing the end of the year. Alot of them have to make up exams for the students, mark a bunch of stuff and get it handed in, a whole bunch of stuff, and deal with there lives outside of there job.
Right now what i'm doing is, helping with a bit of wedding plans for my sister's wedding that is going to be on august 14th of this year, as I will be a bridesmaid. :) I am also still working at Dollarama for work education. I enjoy it there, and I might get a job there. If i don't well I will probably miss it there, so I will probably for sure have to apply.
During this really busy time in mine and everyone's lives I am trying to prepare for finals, like everyone else, and am trying not to get distracted by everything. I'm not looking forward to writing a paper on my christian service hours. ooooh boy. haha well, thats my chat for today. later!


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