Monday, May 24, 2010

May long weekend

On friday I got dragged to the lake with my parents, while my older sister stayed home. I'm a 17 year old girl, and I always wonder why I have to go along with them every single time they are going. I would say i'm very mature, and I never get into any trouble when i'm with my friends. I haven't did anything yet that made my parents not trust me. So I dont know why I can't stay home alone with my sister. They should be dragging my sister with them, because every single time we go to the lake we come home to a big mess! but I mean, coulden't they at least let me stay home, give me a chance and see how it goes? When I was at the lake, I was soooo bored the whole time I was there, and I wanted to go home so bad, after getting bit by a thousand masquitos, hearing my parents talk and talk and talk, and doing absalutely nothing! I think the lake would be a whole lot more fun if I could drive up with a friend or two, take a little road trip and go to the lake by areselvs. Of course the answer was a NO. but jeeze, like why not? im 17! how come my other friends would be allowed? :-p lol.
Finally we got back from the lake, and I went to the movie dear john, with some friends.  I thought it was very bad. I was shocked to see how much it sucked.
Then after the movie, we dropped people off and me and my friend had a sleepover at her house. The next morning we went out for lunch to subway and tim hortans. lol and then we went to go visit are friend, who is pregant. Heres my thoughts on this... well, she is 16, and I think that is way way way to young to have a baby. It's very stupid. I have been friends with her since grade 9, so im not going to ditch her as a friend now, because surely things will get to busy for her once she's had it, but yes not very good atall :-p well that will be it for now, cya later!
oh and welcome, new teacher! :-)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Daughtry Concert!



Last night I went to the Daughtry concert with my best buddy, ciara. It was awesome! I was upset because I forgot to get tickets but then my parents gave them to me as a surprise, and I was so exited! my friend worked that night but she got off early and we went. Are seats were row 4 on the floor, in the middle and it was perfect! We were half an hour late, but we got there in time for one of my favorite bands called lifehouse! They were great!!! and so was daughtry, of course. :-) One of the band members of Daughtry was throwing out guitar picks everyone so often, and he threw one to me and I caught it!! I haven't been to a concert in a long time so I had fun.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbye's and Hello's

hello! 2 weeks ago, my first work placement at Snip "n" Tails ended. :-( It was upsetting to leave, because I enjoyed it so much. I could of stayed there for the second placement but, I thought I should learn other things somewhere else, because I learned everything there was to know there. Well accept, the shaving/cutting part. They were also upset to see me go, and Michelle had a couple tears, haha. I was so surprised because they gave me $80 cash, and they said I did an awesome job. I should probably go visit them everyone once in a while. Right after my 1st placement ended I needed to find another job, real quick. I had no idea what else I wanted to do or where to go. So I was a little late on getting a placement. I decided to work at Dollarama Mon-Fri, from 1-3. Today I went for my interveiw at 1:30, and it went well. But there was a few complications before hand. I went to my grandmas to print out my resume, because are printer isen't working and of course... it doesen't print off!!! and the attachment diden't work on the school computers. I was freaking out, because I was going to be late, and walking in there with no resume. REAL professional!! lol. So, I went there without a resume and a couple minutes late, and turned out the lady who was saposed to interveiw me was sick, so a manager interveiwed me a bit, and she was super nice! She said I will be stalking shelvs, and taking out the garbage, and doing carbourd. I start Monday! Hopefully if I do well, they will hire me afterwards for a part time job. Goodbye 1st job, Helloooo second!

To finish off, I would like to say Farewell to Mrs. Nicholson Kelly! You are my favorite teacher.  I will miss you teaching the rest of Media Studies class. Also, it will kind of suck not having you as a drama teacher next year, because I will be in drama. Congradulations on the baby, I wish  the best for you, your baby and the rest of your family. Take care. Say goodbye to your old life and hellooo to a new life!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kylie and Jay's Wedding

Hi! I'm a little angry right now because I wrote a very long blog, and somehow it all erased, and it's not in my drafts. So now I will be writing it all over again. yay!
 My sister Kylie, and Jay Ramage are getting married, this year August 14th. I'm so exited, and a little nervous for the wedding day. It has been a little stressful and overwhelming for all of us.

It is very hard to believe she is going to get married because it only seems like yesterday that me and both of my sisters, were at elementry school, at D.R John G. Eggnatoff School, both of them rollin with no boyfriend and stuff. LOL Now my sister is 21, all moved out and engaged. 

  The clock seems to be ticking real fast these days. I'v been feeling like my time is running out, like i'm being rushed. Yes, I am getting a little old and already finishing up grade 11. To be honest I'm not looking forward to grade 12. I have no exitement or interest in graduating from highschool. 

The only thing im exited about for after school is Cabo San Lucas!! all my friends always say how much they can't wait to graduate. But I like highschool, I love seeing all my friends at school, and talking to the eal students and having them feel welcome in are school and city. I feel like I won't be able to do that after highschool. I remember when i was in elementry school and I coulden't wait to get to highschool.

I waited so long and finally I was in highschool. Now I really appreciate highschool because I wanted to come here so bad. Part of the reason why I don't want to graduate is because I might be a little scared for the so called, "real world" as adults like to call it. 

Anyways, back to my sister's wedding. My sister is very smart, creative, and talented in a lot of areas.
For her wedding she is planning on making her own invitations, cake, decorations, because she has a great gift of creativity and art. Her wedding colors will be purple because she loves that color.

I am going to be one of her bridesmaids at her wedding. I have already tried on the dress. It is from china, and it's silky and purple. It's one of those dresses that will look good on anyone's body type. That is why she bought it.

Our friends, family, and relitives have all helped my sister with the decorating of the invitations, and some of the rest of the planning. She is going to save up money, by doing little funraisers, and pubcrawls ect, So she can go on her honeymoon.
Out of all the things she is good at, she is good at cooking, and photography and loves to do it. So she made a cute little site to help fundraise for her wedding. 

thanks for reading! catch up with you next time :-)